Leadership & Innovation in public services - Essay ExampleIn fact, becoming a leader of a state is not only confined with managing the affairs within the state territory, but requires cooperation and collaboration with the leaders of other nations in order to maintain peace and security. Very few leaders can be classified as selfless and made sacrifices for the people. Few individuals assume the role of the leader with no other motivation but to serve the people. True leaders recognize that the power of a leader comes from the people who can take it back. Leadership Theories The general classifications of leadership theories are the Great Man Theories, Trait Theories, Behaviorist Theories, Situational Leadership, Contingency Theory, Transactional Theory, Transformational Theory (Bolden, Gosling, & Marturano, 2003), and Servant Leadership (The Robert K. Greenleaf, 2005). Each group of theories has been developed by individuals that contribute to the enhancement of a particular theory. According to Bolden et al.
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Leadership & Innovation in public services Essay
Free Will in John Milton's Samson Agonistes Essay -- Samson Agonistes
Free Will in John Milton's Samson Agonistes John Milton’s Samson Agonistes is based on the story of Samson, an Israelite hero in the Old Testament who falls from grace. In this work Milton shapes his version around the issue of accountability, whether Samson or God is responsible for his actions. Milton displays Samson’s accountability by contrasting his God-given strength with his self-effected weakness. When Samson was born, God gave him extraordinary physical strength. The very fact that God puts prohibitions on Samson implies that there is an element of free choice. His parents told him that in order to preserve his strength he should not cut his long Nazirite hair or drink alcohol. Therefore Samson has control over his strength and can be held accountable for his deeds. Initially, Samson did not appreciate the gift given to him. Before losing the privilege of his power he was unaware of its significance. He says that God put the strength in his hair in order to show him how minor the gift is.
Genetically Modified foods Persuasion Essay Essay
Many are not aware of the ongoing debate of whether or not products in grocery stores across the country should label their products in a way to provide consumer awareness regarding foods containing genetically modified ingredients. One statistic states, “an estimated sixty to seventy percent of processed foods in grocery stores contain at least one genetically engineered ingredient†(Byrne). This statistic reveals the prevalence of these ingredients found in grocery stores, yet the effects they have on the products Americans consume can be proven very minor.Throughout various studies and research there are countless reasons why labelling these foods can be viewed as unnecessary. Genetically-modified foods should not have to be labeled because of the complex unresolved issues regarding which foods should be labelled, the expensive costs for the resources and technology required of labeling, and the fact that there are no significant differences between genetically modified food and non-genetically modified food.